Dr. Maleeha Lodhi removed from the post of “Permanent Representative to UN” in New York

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has removed Dr. Maleeha Lodhi from the designation of Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations and appointed Ambassador Munir Akram for the vacated post.

As per sources Dr. Maleeha Lodhi was not representing Pakistan in the UN efficiently despite enjoying massive perks and privileges on the cost of poor Pakistani taxpayers and was sticking to the post only using her influence for the many years.

The recent successful, historic and heart touching speech of the Prime Minister Imran Khan at UNGA was his own effort and if Imran Khan had let the speech and other arrangements to Maleeha Lodhi the results would not have been so good as they are now, as per source.

Recently some social media also circulated Maleeha Lodhi’s relations with Indian’s which was of great concern to many Pakistanis and created doubts on her dealing such an important position where majority of Pakistan’s issues are due to Indian barbarianism and severe humanitarian violations.