Pakistan’s federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting meet the “Head of Communications at the Turkish Presidency Professor Fahrettin Altun”, in Istanbul and discuss media cooperation
An agreement was also reached to form a working group between Pakistan's Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Turkiye's Directorate of Communications, with focal persons designated from both sides.
Pakistan’s federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Mr. Attaullah Tarar met with the “Head of Communications at the Turkish Presidency Professor Fahrettin Altun”, in Istanbul.
They discussed key issues including strengthening media cooperation, promoting public diplomacy and combating Islamophobia and misinformation and agreed to joint broadcasts between PTV and Turkiye’s state-run television TRT, including airing popular Turkish dramas in Pakistan.
An agreement was also reached to form a working group between Pakistan’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Turkiye’s Directorate of Communications, with focal persons designated from both sides.
The meeting also covered cooperation in the fields of entertainment and tourism, as well as the development of joint projects.
The Information Minister said joint productions would foster an exchange of both countries’ cultures. He said it is important to raise awareness among the youth about the historic ties between the two countries.
Professor Fahrettin Altun expressed a deep interest in the development of media in Pakistan and acknowledged that the Turkish drama serial “Ertugrul Ghazi” gained significant popularity in Pakistan. He also mentioned that Pakistani artists and musicians are greatly admired in Turkiye.
Professor Fahrettin Altun said media cooperation between the two countries would help in the fight against Islamophobia and misinformation.
Attaullah Tarar while appreciating the two countries historical and brotherly relations highlighted the vast potential for media cooperation between the two countries and noted that such collaborations would help strengthen public-level connections.