How PMLN strengthened PTI, Imran Khan and damaged the reputation of Pakistan Army
“ identify, trace, involve in false cases and lockup in jails any and all PTI workers and leaders”,... PMLN direction to administration all over Pakistan
ISLAMABAD 30 July, 2023 (The HQ News) – taking advantage of the PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) leadership’s historic blunder of attack on state institutions and the Pakistan Army assets on 9th May, 2023 (which this writer and the entire nation strongly condemns) the PDM (Pakistan Democratic Movement) government led by PMLN has started an extremely harsh inhumane drive against any and all PTI affiliated workers, businesses, media persons and even far and near relatives of PTI workers and leaders are being targeted by state supervised false criminal cases, harassments, threats for dire consequences in unprecedented Human Rights Violations.
The PMLN led PDM government has deputed choice administration (deputy commissioners, assistant commissioners, police officials) in all major cities and districts of Pakistan with only one direction to them i.e. “ identify, trace, involve in false cases and lockup in jails any and all PTI workers and leaders”, as per our sources.
In Pakistan almost every family has members having affiliation with different political parties which may include PPP, PMLN, JUI etc. therefore any member of a family which in majority may not be inclined to PTI but when their family member affiliated with PTI is falsely targeted by the PMLN government through its select administration in severe human rights violations by registering false unlimited criminal cases and arresting them again and again in new false criminal cases or under MPO these families even having no relation or liking of PTI in past start developing sympathies with PTI as they start getting the taste of the severe criminal mindset of the PMLN leadership and their inhumane tactics used against the citizens of Pakistan. This leads to the creation and increase in hatred against PMLN particularly and other political parties generally who are part of PDM alliance and are silent to this state sponsored cruel act against the worker having been part of PTI or affiliated with PTI.
The most worrisome aspect of this entire scenario is that when families and friends try to rescue their beloved ones from the wrath of the PMLN led administration, the administration and the Police officials showing their innocence and helplessness very comfortably falsely put the entire blame on the Pakistan Army and the intelligence agencies .
The elder brother of former PMLN MNA from Islamabad confessed to me that the local administration i.e. deputy commissioner and police officials had visited them and demanded list of all their political opponents /workers of PTI so they be involved in false cases and eliminated from the political scenario by putting them behind bars.
This entire mechanism of tracing, registering false cases, arresting and exposing the PTI workers and their non-PTI related families to extreme human rights violations by PMLN led government are backfiring by damaging the hard earned goodwill of Pak Army just because PMLN controlled administration points fingers on Pak Army for their (PMLN) illegal acts, human right violations, political victimization using the incident of 9 May 2023 to eliminate its political rivals as PMLN is extremely scared to contest against PTI in upcoming due General Elections 2023.
Pakistan’s Armed Forces never targets the civilians nor does the Pakistan’s Armed Forces involve themselves in registration of false cases against the civilians but infact they protect our borders and the civilians by sacrificing their lives therefore Pakistan’s Army Chief may kindly take strict notice of the misuse of the Armed Forces name by the PMLN led government and its installed administration for political victimization of its opponents to clear ground for itself in the 2023 General Elections.