Pakistan is passing through the crucial phase as the entire nation is waiting for the verdict involving the rulers of the country.
Supreme Court is highly esteemed institution of the country and it has established its status as the primary institution to safeguard the rights of the masses.
It has upheld the cause of justice remaining detached from the politics. However, some quarters have tried to politicize it but the honorable judges have by and large kept themselves above board.
The entire nation is looking towards this supreme institution of the country to take the country away from political turmoil and uncertainty.
Justice is recognized as one of the most important pre-requisite, fundamental norm and universal value since the beginning of civilizations.
In every religion justice and the honorable judges are respected as custodians of the rights of masses.
In a developing country like Pakistan, the dispensation of justice is extremely important to improve the worsening situation of human rights.
Supreme Court has played a very important role in our country since last decade to establish democracy on strong footing and has formidably blocked the way of dictatorship, totalitarianism and anarchy.
The democracy and democratic institutions are under no threat due to democracy. Moreover, SC also checks the misuse of power and official authority throughout the country. Due to the respect of this institution various official functionaries have become cautious and prudent while exercising their official powers.
Likewise, the rapidly progressing media of Pakistan has also made tremendous contribution for establishing the democratic norms, making the masses aware of their rights and duties bringing the truth and facts related to corruption, injustice, misuse of power, highhandedness of government officials and making the institutions aware of their responsibilities.
If there is no free and independent media in a democracy, the masses are exploited by mafias and powerful rulers. In a healthy democracy Judiciary and media work in coordination to empower the people without asserting their supremacy over each other.
The Panama leak case was made public by a media person and an independent award winning journalist who brought the facts regarding the hidden details of corruption on global level before the world.
When the case was reported in media the apex court acted in the best interest of democracy and the country and dealt with the case in a professional and unbiased way.
By establishing JIT comprising of the members of important national institutions the worthy judges have managed to keep themselves away from politics and held the independence of judiciary high.
It is hoped that these two important pillars of democracy will also hold the honour of millions of Pakistanis who are looking towards them with hope of a new dawn.