Holy Month Ramazan starts from today in most parts of the world

WORLD DESK (Tuesday, 07 May 2019) – The holy month of Ramazan has started today in most parts of the world after sightings of moon and other evidences as per the religious practices.

In this holy month the Muslims fast each day abstaining from food and drink from dawn to sunset. The fast begins with a pre-dawn meal called “Sehri” and at sunset, when it’s time to close the daylong fast, families and friends gather for an evening meal known as “iftar.”

Fasting is aimed at drawing worshippers closer to ALMIGHTY ALLAH through self-control, remembrance and humility.

It is mandatory for all fasting to abstain from gossip and cursing and are encouraged to focus on meditative acts like prayer, reading the Quran and charity.

The Tarawih Salah a special type of prayers in which Qaris recite holy Quran have also started since yesterday which are not mandatory but the main essence of the holy month and observed by muslims all over the world.

The holy month Ramazan also provides us the opportunity and helps us to get rid of  bad habbits, cleanse our hearts, boost our spirituality and become good persons of society as taught in the Holy Book Quran and our last prophet Hazrat MUHAMMED (Peace Be Upon Him) on the orders of our and entire universes God ALMIGHTY ALLAH