FATF expresses satisfaction on Pakistan’s progress in disrupting financial flows linked to crimes and terrorism

Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has expressed satisfaction on the measures taken and progress thereon by Pakistan in disrupting financial flows linked to crimes and terrorism, as per sources.

China, Turkey and Malaysia vehemently appreciated the steps taken by Pakistan in this regard.

Meanwhile, representatives from 205 countries and jurisdictions around the world, the IMF, UN, World Bank and other organizations are attending the meeting.

A Pakistani delegation led by Minister for Economic Affairs Hammad Azhar told the FATF meeting that Pakistan has made positive progress in 20 out of twenty-seven points.

FATF Week had started in Paris on Sunday 13th October and will continue till coming Friday 18th October, 2019 during which meetings are held with focus on disrupting financial flows linked to crimes and terrorism and discussions held to contribute to global safety and security.