FATA’s tribal leaders, elders constitute joint action committee under Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry President PJDP
ISLAMABAD (Tuesday, 26 Feb. 2019) – A large delegation of Tribal leaders and elders from FR Kohat region called upon Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry the President of Pakistan Justice and Democratic Party (PJDP) – (former Chief Justice of Pakistan) here yesterday.
The delegation held a joint meeting chaired by President PJDP to consider the protests and strong reservation of the Tribal people of earstwhile Fata with regard to it’s merger with the province of KPK. They voiced their concerns on the prevailing situation and sought advice of the President PJDP and help from his party in attracting attention to their plight and resolution of their problems emanating from the merger of their areas with KPK.
A joint action committee was constituted to look into legal issues and ways and means and to find a viable solution to the problem.
To look into the legal issues Sheikh Ahsanuddin and M. Saliheen Moghal both advocates of Supreme Court and senior vice President and central vice President PJDP respectively were also present and Mr. Anwarullah Afridi acted as co- ordinator of the action committee.