Ehsas – Grand Social Safety and Poverty Alleviation Programme by IK
Ehsas – a grand social safety and poverty alleviation programme launched by Imran Khan Prime Minister (PM) today.
The initiative is aimed to alleviate poverty and bring the deprived people above the line of poverty and in accordance to the vision of Quaid-e-Azam the founder of Pakistan and as per the concept of a true a true Islamic welfare state said Imran Khan.
Imran Khan added that the spending for the deprived people of Pakistan is being increased to PKR. 80 Billion with the target to increase it to PKR. 120 Billion.
As a first step of “Ehsas” Article 38-D of the Constitution will be amended so that provision of food, clothes, shelter and health will be treated as fundamental rights of the people, said Imran Khan.
A new federal ministry for Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation is carved out under which all existing welfare organizations i.e. Poverty Alleviation Coordination Council, Benazir Income Support Programme, Pakistan Baitul Maal will be organized while new initiatives will be taken up as per policies of PTI government for the poverty alleviation and development of the deprived of the society.
For the people with Disabilities twenty centers will be established under public-private partnership while goats and hens will be provided to the women living in villages to increase their earnings and support better quality of life.
Under the Ehsas programme several more micro support scheme are announced by the PM Imran Khan to help the poor and the deprived of the society to start their own small business and small house hold earning schemes.