EU Parliament updates the take-off and landing slots rules for airlines post corona virus pandemic
“the EU Parliament wants to provide its citizens and residents access to competitive offers, smooth transportation, maximum utilization of the existing aviation infrastructure and allied services and also wants to boost the economic activity for the aviation sector and the EU at the same time for which these relief measures are introduced”.
BRUSSELS (The HQ News) – The air travel industry of Europe is recovering post corona virus pandemic in view of which the EU Parliament updated the take-off and landing slots rules for airlines and maintains some exceptions introduced during the pandemic
To better reflect increasing air traffic, Parliament updated the take-off and landing slots rules for airlines and kept some exceptions introduced during the pandemic.
The members of European Parliament (MEPs) set a path towards a gradual return to the ‘use it or lose it’ rules on the allocation of slots at EU airports, which were suspended from March 2020 to March 2021 in wake of the corona virus pandemic.
From 30th October 2022, airlines would have to use 75 % of their planned take-off and landing slots (instead of the 80% required before the pandemic) in order to keep them the following season. From the 2023 summer season, the standard 80% slot utilization requirement will apply.
The MEPs also approved additional exemptions to justify not using the slots, such as epidemiological emergencies, natural disasters, or widespread political unrest with a disruptive effect on air travel.
Additionally the new approved rules of the EU Parliament allow for air connectivity to be restored between the EU and Ukraine at appropriate time once Ukrainian airspace reopens.
These relief measures are for two scheduling seasons i.e. from 30th October 2022 till 28th October 2023.
The HeadQuarters Think Tank analyzing these new rules stated that: “the EU Parliament wants to provide its citizens and residents access to competitive offers, smooth transportation, maximum utilization of the existing aviation infrastructure and allied services and also wants to boost the economic activity for the aviation sector and the EU at the same time for which these relief measures are introduced”.
Market Analysts forecast air traffic levels to reach upto 95% by October 2022 compared to pre-CoronaVirusPandemic levels.
The new rules were approved with massive majority as 457 voted in favour while only three votes were against these new rules while three members were absent and did not cast their votes.