‘Plant for Pakistan’ drive kicks off across country

A one-day tree plantation campaign kicked off across the country today.

‘Plant for Pakistan’ is part of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)  government’s billion tree Tsunami 2018 drive.

About 1.5 million trees will be planted today, with the aim to plant 10 billion trees across Pakistan over the course of the next five years.

The purpose of the campaign is to encourage people, communities, organizations, business. industry, civil society and government to collectively plant trees.

According to reports, Prime Minister Imran Khan is also expected to plant a sapling in the federal capital today.

As a part of the initiative, people will be given free saplings at 190 distribution points across the country.

Climate change is one of the main issues that Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government aims to tackle through initiatives like tree plantation.

The country-wide tree plantation drive comes after the PTI-led provincial government in Khyber Pukhtunkwa executed a large-scale tree-planting project during its previous tenures.